Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on 11th November, 2022.

AirSkip Pvt. Ltd. (Company, we, our, us) take your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) describes the usage of information provided or disclosed to the Company, which may be inclusive of your personal information, and also brings to your notice the rights which are afforded to you as per the terms of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy must be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use available in our Terms and Conditions.

Our Privacy Policy is in accordance with the applicable laws in the jurisdictions we offer our Services in. All capitalized terms that have not been specifically defined herein shall have the same meaning as provided under the Terms of Use.

By accessing, downloading, or using the website or the allied mobile application, AirSkip (Application) you agree to be governed by this Privacy Policy.

1.1. This Privacy Policy applies to the Services, Application, or any online application or service that refers to or links to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies regardless of whether you have downloaded or accessed or used the Application from your mobile telephone or handheld device or any other computer resource to access our Services.
1.2. AirSkip is a geographical location based social media platform. The users acknowledge and understand that any content (including their user handle, profile picture and published posts/Airs) created by the users, is publicly available in a constrained area of 500 metres and visible to anyone in that area. It is advised that the you do not post any personal (or sensitive) personal information. You should be careful of what they are posting on AirSkip, for the updates will be reflected in your feed and will be visible to other Users of the Application, or anyone else who accesses our Services, depending upon the privacy setting specifically chosen by you for your account.
1.3. You acknowledge and agree that by providing public Content on AirSkip, you are authorizing and advising us to disclose that information (for Verified users/current alias and display picture) on the Application and allow for the constrained area wise circulation.

2.1 At the time of registration: When you choose to register on the Application, we will seek certain identifiers which qualify as personal data (as defined at law), and some of these identifiers will have to be mandatorily collected, and some will have to be collected only upon your discretion, and consent.
2.1.1 The information which you provide to us, mandatorily are: i) Your email address for creating your profile;
ii) Your current geographical precise location for your connection with your current area and other users nearby. This is fundamental to the core functionality of the app;
iii) Background location access at all times to update you about all the posts from nearby users. This is fundamental to the core functionality of the application and platform;
iv) User handle name/alias to air your messages;
v) User handle display picture for display picture in your circular avatar;

2.1.2 In case the user opts for verification, following information is mandatory:
i) Your Phone Number in use;
ii) Driving license/Aadhar Card (in India)/Passport or any other identification documents issued by government authorities in your state/country.
2.1.3 In case the user opts for a business/shop/promotional/organisation account, following information is mandatory:
i) Active phone number;
ii) In case of business/shop/promotional: Verification documents issued by the government in your state/country;
iii) In case of organisation/society/any other official entity: Verification documents issued by the government in your state/country or verification documents of the parent organization;
iv) Location of operations

2.2 Information from your use of our Services – When you use our Services, we collect the following information automatically:
i) Contents of the aired messages;
ii) Other user Interactions and reactions to your aired message;
iii) Timestamp of your aired message;
iv) Location of your aired message;
We do not collect any further information which is not specifically communicated to you as per this Privacy Policy.

2.3 Information of your suggestions for improvement of AirSkip:
Users can submit their suggestions for improvement directly to us. Please note in case of abuse/threat/ or any other misconduct in the sent suggestion, AirSkip holds the rights to terminate the user’s services provided on the platform.

We collect information to provide the Services and for the purposes as outlined below:
3.1 to help us identify you when you log onto the Application and when you register an account with us, and, to validate, authorize and map a specific profile with an authorized user;
3.2 to enhance the quality of the Services that we provide and improve your experience;
3.3 for providing location-based services at all times and keeping you updated about whatever is happening in your current area and the area in which you decide to move into;
3.4 for the performance of a contractual and legal obligation;
3.5 to communicate with you;
3.7 to provide and process service requests initiated by you.

4.1 We may use your information to perform analytics and conduct customer research, to determine your interest, for identifying content that generates sales and to analyze traffic patterns and help provide business/promotion/shops analytic tools. These tools can help them generate better offers but any of your personal information/content data is kept out of their reach.

4.2 We also use your information to market to you as per the laws of your country, and to the extent permissible.

5.1 We may also disclose your Personal Information only:
i. As required by law, such as to comply with a judicial order, executive orders, requirement by a law enforcement authority, or by other legal processes.
ii. When your desired products and services can only be provided if your personal information is disclosed.
iii. When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, or, investigate fraud or crime;
iv. If we (or our affiliates) are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of its assets or equity.

5.2 We will never rent or sell your personally identifiable information to others.

We want to ensure that you are fully empowered on our platform and are completely aware of the rights that you are entitled to in the course of using our platform. You have a number of rights in relation to the information we hold about you.
i) Access. The right to access the information we hold about you, and to obtain details of the processing. You also have the right to access a list of all the third parties that have your Personal Information through us.
ii) Rectification. The right to seek, correct, update and modify the information available with us, to ensure accuracy.
iii) Cancellation. The right to seek to cancel or erase, free of charge, your personal data when it is inadequate, excessive, or unnecessary. This shall be subject to the lawful processing measures.
iv) Objection. The right to withdraw your consent to our continued processing of the information, at any point of time, subject only to any legitimate reason for continued processing in certain circumstances.
v) Portability. The right to seek from us your personal data to be provided to another service provider, in a machine-readable format.
You may exercise any of these rights by writing to us at This shall be subject to the legal requirements, and our internal procedure.

7.1 In relation to other Personal Information, we store them for certain pre-determined periods based on the basis of:
i) Statutory and legal requirements;
ii) industry guidelines;
iii) Deidentified or pseudonymised data sets to be used in an aggregated format for scientific, statistical or historical purposes.

7.2 We retain the information which we have collected for a period no longer than is necessary, and as may be required in law. If we need to retain your Personal Information for a longer period, we will inform you prior to the extension of the storage period and seek your explicit consent to extend the retention period. We will delete your information whenever you request us to do so. However, we may archive and/or retain some information for legal purposes. Any other information which is processed by us for analytical purposes, will only be processed in an aggregated or non-identifiable basis.

We reserve the right to continue to keep a copy of any of your Personal Information if required by law. We may use any aggregated/anonymized data derived from your account, in a matter which shall not infringe upon your privacy.

8.1 Your personal data is maintained by us and the third party services that we use in order to run the application in electronic form. We shall take all necessary precautions to protect your personal data and implement reasonable security practices and measures including certain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of our business. Specifically, we will ensure that the security infrastructure put in place by us to safeguard your Personal Information against loss, unauthorized access, destruction, use, processing, storage, modification or de-anonymization, will at all times be adherent to the best industry standards.

8.2 We restrict access to personal information to Company employees, contractors, and agents who need that information in order to process it. Anyone with this access is subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.

9.1 You must have attained the age of majority to be able to use and access our Services. If you are a minor in your jurisdiction, your registration and use of our Services must be with the supervision of an adult.

9.2 As a parent or legal guardian, please do not allow your minors under your care to submit Personal Information to us. In the event that such personal data of a minor is disclosed to us, you hereby consent to the processing of the minor’s personal data and accept and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and take responsibility for their actions.

In some situations, you may provide personal data of other individuals (family, friends, likewise) to us. If you provide us with such personal data, you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent for their Personal Information to be collected, used and disclosed as set out in this Privacy Policy.

We make periodical changes to the Privacy Policy. Any significant changes we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be promptly notified to Users by airing on their screen. The users can check for themselves on our website ( under the policy tab. In case of major changes affecting you directly, you will be required to read and accept them to continue your use of the Services.

Any discrepancies or grievances with regard to content and or comment or breach of this Agreement shall be taken up with the director (at the time of writing) as mentioned below via in writing or through email signed with the electronic signature to

Mr. Rohit Garg
AirSkip Pvt. Ltd.
HNo 850 Gali No 6 Ashok Vihar
Phase-1 Gurgaon
Haryana 122001, India

AirSkip Pvt. Ltd.
HNo 850 Gali No 6 Ashok Vihar
Phase-1 Gurgaon
Haryana 122001, India