AirSkip: Connect With Your Area Instantly!

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What is AirSkip?

Have you ever wondered that what if a place that you visit had an app for it? A specialised app just for that place? Like once you enter and get connected with everyone there? And disconnected when you leave?

AirSkip Does That And More!

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Airskip Screenshot

Broadcast a message visible only to the people near you while being anonymous!

Kinda like speaking on a loud speaker where the sound is heard only in a periphery.

In AirSkip's case, there are three ranges to choose from: Small (approx. 300m), Medium (approx. 3Km) or Large (approx. 30Km, enabled only for verified accounts).

Your message won't move out of the area. So the App can work like a Media App of that very area.

You can do so much with AirSkip

Share Information, Notify, Announce, Manage Events, Find Opinions or Promote a Product... anything you want to do in that place!

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Airskip Screenshot

In the Group While There.

No hassle of joining or leaving a group! On entering a place, you automatically join in and leave as soon as you are out.

You can even share zipped files and other documents in adition to conventional media types!


AirSkip is special with you on it. Available on your choice of platform. Thanks :)

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